085. A Conversation with Taylor Sparks, Sex Goddess

One of the best parts of Beatrice and Dante's recent trip to Miami were the seminars and workshops run by Taylor Sparks, Sex Goddess. Taylor was kind enough to tell us her origin story, as well as the ins and outs (see what we did there?) of lifestyle events.

Taylor (a.k.a Mariposa) Sparks is a passionate erotic educator and sex goddess, certified in both holistic aromatherapy and human behaviour. With over twenty years of experience in the natural skin care/cosmetics industry, Ms. Sparks launched OrganicLoven.com, one of the largest BIPOC owned online intimacy shops.  

For more than 15 years before, she was a highly sought-after corporate trainer with a proficiency in the areas of: Communications, Negotiations, Leadership and Business Management skills, Customer Service and Team Building with a specialty in DISC Personality Assessments. 

While traveling around the globe, Taylor has become renowned in the adult travel industry and is a powerful public speaker both nationally and internationally. Coaching couples, singles in both the ethically monogamous and ethically non-monogamous communities.

Personally, she has two adult children, a 25-year marriage that was both ethically monogamous/ethically non-monogamous (12/13 years respectively) and has identified as ethically non-monogamous for more than 15 years. Taylor lives a plant-based life, socially and environmentally conscious and a strong supporter of all things organic, natural and eco-friendly...including Love. 

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059. And Just Like That, We Revisit Sex and the City: Season 5

The fifth season of Sex and the City picks up with Miranda as a new mother, Carrie mourning the relocation of Mr. Big, Charlotte picking herself up after the end of her marriage, and Samantha dealing with Richard's infidelity. Being the shortest of the six seasons, there is a surprising amount to unpack in the penultimate season of the beloved show.

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041. I Choo-Choo-Choose You with Dr. Tom Murray

This week we welcome back beloved regular Dr. Tom Murray. Topics and digressions include: Lil Nas X, bi invisibility, erectile disappointment, attraction in long-term relationships, marriage mortgages and what the root of love is. So much meat… and a little bit of cheese!

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037. There is No "I" in Threesome, But There is in Nightmare

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to take a closed, monogamous relationship, and open it up? This week Beatrice and Dante discuss There is No "I" in Threesome, a mainstream documentary that tracks the trials and tribulations of a couple attempting just that.

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036. Stoking Your Sex Life with Decoding Couples

Relationships today are under more pressure and stress than ever before and it can leave partners feeling overwhelmed and resentful, all while tanking their sex life. This week, Beatrice and Dante speak with Rachel and Stacey from Decoding Couples about maintaining desire in long-term relationships, including practical tips on opening up a previously closed relationship.

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