067. The State of the Manosphere with Dr. James B. Stein

This week Beatrice and Dante speak with "knowledge demon" Dr. James B. Stein, whose wildly popular TikTok account eviscerates problematic creators and misogynists with microphones, all with academic citations. Beatrice and Dante discuss The Tinder Swindler, misogyny in politics and privilege with Dr. Stein, and why giving microphones to all these people might actually be good thing.

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050. The Jellyfish Sting and Other Tactics with Dr. Maryanne Fisher

Would your best friend tell you if you had toilet paper stuck to your shoe if there was a cute guy at the bar? Research says: probably not. This week on the podcast, Beatrice and Dante speak with Dr. Maryanne Fisher about how and why women compete, and the benefits of cooperation over competition.

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